Datchiki & Systemi (Sensors & Systems)
EDITORIAL ADDRESS: 65 Profsoyuznaya st., office 383, Moscow, Russia, 117997.
Tel./fax: (495) 330-42-66
E-mail: datsys@mail.ru
A monthly scientific and practical journal Issued since 1999.
V. A. Trapeznikov Institute of Control Sciences, Russian Academy of Sciences,
Non-commercial partnership “National technological house”,
LLC “Sensidat-Plus” (publisher)
Editor-in-Chief Pashchenko, F. F. – D. Sc. (Tech.), Professor, Head of Laboratory of Intellectual control systems and modelling of V. A. Trapeznikov Institute of Control Sciences of Russian Academy of Science
The journal addresses the needs of industrial specialists, users of sensors and measuring devices, scientists, designers of sensors, instruments and systems, process and control engineers, teachers, post-graduates and students.
We publish comprehensive information about sensors and measuring, control and monitoring devices and systems:
Results of domestic and foreign research and development
Papers about new design concepts and techniques
Information about novel products of domestic and foreign companies
Information about industrial processes
Measurement insurance, standardization and certification
Economy and management
Features of modern production organization and business-processes
News items
Scientific and technical nonfiction
The monthly Izmereniya, Control, Avtomatizatsiya (Measurement, Control, Automation) is issued under our cover as "Journal in Journal". It presents papers by domestic and foreign authors: encyclopedic and systematizing overviews, trends and outlooks as well as papers about scientific and technical challenges in measurement, instrumentation and system design.
Practically all leading industrial enterprises, research
organizations and technical universities of Russia contribute to the Journal.
Editorial councils of our Journal exist also in 19 city of Russia as well as in Minsk (Belorussia).
The Journal is distributed only by subscription.
Subscription indices:
from Rospechat agency catalogue - 79363
from Pressa Rossii (The Press of Russia) United catalog - 40874.
The subscription from any month is available through the
Publisher's office; all postal costs are incurred by the Publisher.
The Journal copies for current and previous months can be also purchased at the
Publisher's office; an electronic version of the Journal in PDF format.
The journal is included into the Russian Science Citation Index (RSCI).
On the website of the Scientific electronic library (www.elibrary.ru ) articles’ full-texts are available.
The journal is included into the list of the leading reviewed by Higher Attestation Commission’s periodicals, publishing basic results of doctoral and candidate dissertations.
The journal is reregistered in the Federal service for supervision in the sphere of communication and mass communications
26.12.2013. PI ¹ FS 77-56548
Babayan R. R., D. Sc. (Tech.), Prof., robab@ipu.ru
Baranova G. M., datsys@mail.ru
Vasilyev S. N., Acad., RAS, snv@ipu.ru
Dzhandzhgava G. I., D. Sc. (Tech.), Prof., president@rpkb.ru
Zhitkov A. N., Ph. D. (Tech.), Assoc. Prof., dinvest05@yandex.ru
Itskovich E. L., D. Sc. (Tech.), Prof., itskov@ipu.ru
Kasatkin S. I., D. Sc. (Tech.), Prof., serkasat@ipu.ru
Kasimov A. M., D. Sc. (Tech.), kasimov@ipu.ru
Kaperko A. F., D. Sc. (Tech.), Prof., kaperko@miem.edu.ru
Kneller V. Yu., Prof., D. Sc. (Tech.), Prof., vkneller@ipu.ru
Kolomiets L. N., Ph. D. (Tech.), l.kolomiets@mail.ru
Kuznetsova N. N., datsys@mail.ru
Lunkin B. V., Ph. D. (Tech.), lunbv@ipu.ru
Morozov V. P., D. Sc. (Tech.), morbe@mail.ru
Novikov D. A., Corr. mem., RAS, novikov@ipu.ru
Parkhomenko P. P., Corr. mem., RAS, mkaravay@ipu.ru
Pashchenko, F. F., D. Sc. (Tech.), Prof., feodor@ipu.ru
Pikina G. A., D. Sc. (Tech.), Prof., pikinaga@mpei.ru
Podlepetskiy B. I., Ph. D. (Tech.), Assoc. Prof., bipod@gmail.com
Polyakov V. V., mvtk@mail.ru
Prokhorov N. L., D. Sc. (Tech.), Prof., prokhor@ipu.ru
Sirotkin O. S., Corr. mem., RAS, mvtk@mail.ru
Shakhnov V. A., Corr. mem., RAS, shakhnov@iu4.bmstu.ru
Shkabardnya M. S., D. Sc. (Tech.), Prof., vfkrotov@ipu.ru
Yadykin I. B., D. Sc. (Tech.), Prof., jad@ipu.ru
Knorring, V. G., D. Sc. (Tech.), Prof. — knorvg@mail.ru
Nizhny Novgorod
Nikulin, S. M., D. Sc. (Tech.), Prof. — nikulin-serg2006@yandex.ru
Porshnev, S. V., D. Sc. (Tech.), Prof. — sergey_porshnev@mail.ru
Chuguy, Yu. V., D. Sc. (Tech.) — chugui@tdisie.nsc.ru
Patyukov, V. G., D. Sc. (Tech.), Prof. — kuzminev@mail.ru
Galenko, Yu. A., Dr. Sci. (Tech.) — gal@bti.secna.ru
Zvolskiy, L. S., D. Sc. (Tech.) — post@frpc.secna.ru
Shcherbakov, M. A., D. Sc. (Tech.), Prof. — avitel@pnzgu.ru
Kirillov, S. N., D. Sc. (Tech.), Prof. — rgrtu@rsreu.ru
Yarushina, N. G., D. Sc. (Tech.), Prof. — jng@ulstu.ru
Alekseev, V. A., Dr. D. Sc. (Tech.), Prof. — alekseevv@istu.ru
Kucherenko, M. G., D. Sc. (Phys.-Math.), Prof. — rphys@mail.ru
Ustyuzhaninov, V. N., D. Sc. (Tech.), Prof. — zhitnikovy@mail.ru
Raspopov, V. Ya., D. Sc. (Tech.), Prof. — tgupu@yandex.ru
Bityukov, V. K., D. Sc. (Tech.), Prof. — president@vgta.vrn.ru
Titov, V. S., D. Sc. (Tech.), Prof. — titov-kstu@rambler.ru
Mishchenko, S. V., D. Sc. (Tech.), Prof. — tstu@admin.tstu.ru
Petrova, I. Yu., D. Sc. (Tech.), Prof. — irina@astu.astranet.ru
Gusev, V. G., D. Sc. (Tech.), Prof. — iit@mail.ru
Manak, I. S., Ph. D. (Phys.-Math.), Assoc. Prof. — manak@bsu.by
Procedure for consideration, peer-review, approval or rejection of manuscripts
1. The "Sensors
and Systems" journal is publishing articles, reports, information
2. Editorial board confirms the receipt of the manuscript to the author not
later than 10 days after its receipt.
3. Editorial board organizes peer reviewing of submitted manuscripts. The
journal publishes only those, the text of which is recommended by experts
(reviewers). Reputable scientists with knowledge of subject areas are involved
as reviewers that give a reasoned conclusion (usually up to 1 p.) on the
scientific value of the material presented and its compliance with the
requirements and topics of the journal. Reviewer estimates: the relevance of
scientific publications; the correctness of statements of problems of
investigation; validity, originality and reliability of the results obtained
and their quality after the comparative analysis of the achievements in the
subject area. As a positive review of the manuscript, editorial board is
entitled to take into consideration the recommendations of the organizing
committees of All-Russian and international scientific conferences, as well as
the presentation of scientific seminars from academic research institutes and
universities’ scientific councils, the referrals from the regional editorial
4. If the review of a manuscript contains designation for its revision, the
editorial board shall send the manuscript to the author for revision.
5. In case of negative reviews, the manuscript by the decision of the editorial
board may be directed to re-review. In case of rejection of the manuscript,
editorial board sends to the author a reasoned justification for the refusal,
or a copy of the review. Reviewer’s name may be granted to the author only with
the consent of the reviewer.
6. The manuscripts are published usually in the order of their receipt to the
editorial board. If the manuscript is sent to the author for revision, the date
of its receipt shall be the date of return of the modified manuscript. The
editors have the right to change the order of the publication of articles.
7. If the editorial board does not share fully the views of the author of
published manuscripts, it has the right to mention it in the footnote.
Manuscripts, printed in the discussion order, can also be provided with an
appropriate footnote.
The Journal is publishing comprehensive information about sensors, devices and
systems for measuring, monitoring, control on the directions of
instrumentation, metrology information-measuring devices and systems; computer
science, computer facilities and control; radio engineering and communication;
electronics; fuel and energy industry in the area of automation and control
systems, including:
• The results of
theoretical and applied research and development of domestic and foreign
scientists and engineers;
• New methods and principles of construction and design;
• New methods of design and manufacturing of sensors, devices and systems;
• Information-measuring and operating systems;
• Information about the latest products of domestic and foreign firms;
• Technological processes of production of devices and automation equipment;
• Metrological support, standardization and certification;
• Economy, innovation and management;
• Chronicle;
• Scientific and technical journalism.
Article structure
The article should
contain the summary, keywords, author’s information.
The paper should begin with an introduction, which includes substantial
characteristics of the problem observed. The main text should start with the
formulation of the problem statement, and it is desirable to complete with the
example. All the results obtained should be thoroughly described and explained
in details, if necessary, evidences may be submitted in the application. The
final part of the article (the conclusion) must contain a discussion of the
results obtained. The article should be divided into sections with titles that
reflect their content.
Article design
The article and an expert conclusion are to be submitted in electronic and hard copies.
The paper, excluding
the review should not exceed 12 pages. The text shall be printed with 1.5 line
spacing on one side of A4 paper, the pages are numbered.
In electronic form: .doc format, editor not less than Word 97; printed sheet
16,5´25 cm; Times New Roman font, 12 pt.; text
should not have columns, partitions, etc.
Figures should have an extension, compatible with Word (Microsoft Word drawings,
CorelDraw, Photoshop, Illustrator editors, etc.).
Formulas are typed only in Microsoft Equation and MathType. All lettering contained in the formulas and figures, it is necessary to explain in the general or caption text (repeated notation in the caption and in the text are avoided). Only those formulas and equations should be numbered, which are referenced in the following description. Legend of values and simple formulas in the text and tables should be typed as elements of the text, not as objects of formulae editor. Do not overload the paper with mathematical calculations, which are not necessary for the understanding of the article.
Photos should be very clear in a format with a resolution of 300 dpi.
References (only organically related to the article) are made in order of citation and are given at the end of an article. References to applications are not allowed. In the text, references are noted with serial numbers in square brackets.
At the end of the article, be sure to specify the full name and surname of the author (authors), academic degree and title, position, affiliation, phone number, e-mail addresses.
Article title, abstract, keywords, name, position and affiliation of the authors must be translated into English.
Corrected manuscripts are not sent to the author of the article.
Articles that do not meet the subject of the journal or furnished in violation of the rules will not be accepted.
Not accepted for publication materials are not returned to the authors.